Saturday, 30 August 2008

Megatron and Starscream's first takeover


After leaving London, we made our journey East and headed to a city known as Rochester. During our expedition however, I had to put up with the constant irritation of Starscream's incompetence and his whiny voice making regular remarks about certain things.

"It's too cold."
"I need a break."
"I'm running low on energy and need to refuel"
"Why are you ignoring me, Megatron?"

These are just the few of the pathetic comments he was saying through out the trip. I swear he just likes the sound of his own voice and finds any excuse to keep talking. He recieved my fist in his face a couple of times and we eventually got to our destination.

I personally scouted out for our temporary base to make sure that no Autobots were going to disrupt anything I had planned for this city. The area was much different then our previous stop and I chose to set up base in a secluded forest so we were hidden from the view of any humans that may try to be foolish enough and get in our way.


When we were arriving at our new location, Megatron wouldn't shut up about his plans. My ideas were much better than his and I could of easily taken over this primitive city all by myself.

Megatron insisted that I stay put while he checked out the area. I wanted to take a look around as well so, dispite Megatron's request, I went off and did my own thing. I came across a rather nice mass of water and thought I might as well relax while I didn't have Megatron glaring at me. I tried a type of sport that the humans do, since I was bored and no one was around to see me. I sat down and did abit of fishing. Though the fish I caught were hardly worth my troubles but I had some peaceful time to myself to think about my next move of taking over as leader of the Decepticons.


When we had settled down and got used to our new location it was time to put my plan into action and take over this city once and for all. For my battle plan, I was lucky enough to have assistance from a much loyal seeker. No, not from Starscream, but an F-16 that seemed to know the layout of the place quite well which I found to be very useful. Starscream didn't find the new recruit to be that likable, but I'm guessing that he was most probably jealous of the new seeker's abilities and that I found him far more useful than Starscream himself.


I didn't like the new seeker, he was just far too loyal to Megatron. There was no way I could get him to help me overthrow our current leader. He even had the bolts to go ahead and tell Megatron that I was scheming to push our 'oh so glorious' leader into the Medway River. That's when the fusion cannon soon followed after and struck me in my left intake.


My plan went down flawlessly. I succeeded in conquering this puny city and made it into Decepticon territory. Starscream, for once in his whole function, didn't complain afterwards. He took a liking to the castle and stayed there for a while, which was a good thing since he was away from me and I didn't have to spend much time with him. I'm glad we will be leaving here victorious, though I have to go get Starscream away from playing "King of the castle". His CPU is full of such nonsense, makes me wonder how I even put up with him. I am interested in traveling to our next location and to see what events await us there.

That night we enjoyed the sight of the stars and thought about which one of them could be Cybertron.

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Starscream's Adventure

I, Starscream, future leader of the mighty Decepticon army decided to venture out alone into the city of London. My aims were to explore the humans' transportation systems to look for weaknesses and generally enjoy the sights of the city.

I had no idea that pigeons were quite so large.

It turns out that the British humans have developed rather intricate underground systems in tubes to transport themselves around. We do not have such things on Cybertron, for our alt modes cater for us when we need to travel long distances.

Humans are very strange creatures indeed. The maps of the "Underground" or "Tube", as the tea-drinkers call it, are very complicated and I suspect that they needn't be so. (Just for the record, the burger-eaters call it the "Subway".)

For example, I do not see why so many different coloured lines are required when most of them cross over anyway. The dark blue and light blue lines go to very similar locations. Why could they not just have one line instead of two?
Oh well, I suppose their logic is merely inferior to ours.

After an extremely long, boring journey on the "Tube", full of fleshies reading newspapers and other such nonsense, I finally got to travel on the "Overground". (I know, the fleshies are very creative, aren't they?)

But before I discuss that, I would just like to say this.

To every fleshie who listens to music while riding the "Underground": I do not need to hear your audio-splitting rubbish. Please turn it the frag down. Just because the train is loud, doesn't mean you must turn your iPod contraption up to full volume so that I can hear it too! Primus, the next fleshie I see with audio devices stuck in their ears will have their iPod shoved down their oxygen-breathing throat until they choke and die or are miraculously electrocuted! I know that this would make Soundwave very happy. He is quite bitter about these "iPods". Perhaps I should experiment on turning Frenzy into one...

Also, why must the fleshies insist on handing me these "free newspapers"? They are full of trivial slag! I will read a real newspaper if I want to know what is going on on this Primus-forsaken planet. Not that I would anyway because it's stupid! Stupid I say!


Anyway, as I was saying, I travelled on the "Overground" train to a location outside the main city. The scenery was rather delightful, I must admit. This planet does have some merits, even if it is populated by idiots.

I am rather looking forward to my journey now, even though Megatron shall be travelling with me. Apparently I cannot be trusted alone.

Then again, while his back is turned, I may finally get my chance!